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How Can I Make Changes To My Will?

It is incredibly important that you have a will written and ready to be executed if you were to pass away. Some people put this off, thinking that they are not old enough to need one or that they do not have enough assets. Others worry that a change in life circumstances could render their will outdated. These are not good excuses though. If fact, if you ask a Des Moines wills lawyer from our firm “Can I make changes to my will?”, the answer is going to be “Yes!” nearly every time.

When Should I Make Changes to My Will?

You can make changes to your will whenever you would like to. There is no rule about when you can update a will or an estate plan. As long as you are of sound mind and still making all the important life decisions for yourself, you should be able to change your will.

Some people make changes to their wills when a major life event happens. The birth of a child, the death of a spouse, or a remarriage can be good reasons to make changes to a will. You could also decide to disinherit someone after a falling out or add a beneficiary if someone else has been particularly helpful to you.

You can make these changes by filing a written amendment known as a codicil. This amendment would be placed with your will and can ensure your family that they are reading the most recent and up-to-date version of your estate plan. A codicil can be used to change any aspect of your will, including who would be the executor. This is a common reason for making changes to a will. Someone appoints their spouse executor, but then they divorce. They should choose a new executor at that point.

Do I Need a Lawyer?

There are ways to write a will on your own, but you want to be sure that this kind of document is properly handled. That is why we recommend working with one of our attorneys. We can make sure that your will covers everything it needs to, and we will ensure that it is legally binding.

What Happens if I Forget to Make Changes to My Will?

If a major life event happens and you forget to make changes to your will, that could be a bit of an inconvenience. If you pass away before you make any edits to your estate plan, your most recent will goes into effect. There could be beneficiaries left out. You may end up leaving assets to people who you did not want to leave them to. So if something changes, act quickly and change your will.

Schedule an Appointment With Our Lawyers

When you are ready to make changes to your will, our experienced estate planning attorneys are ready to help. Contact Herting Law, PLLC and schedule a consultation today. We will help you get all of your affairs in order.

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